Dancer’s Flame Launch Party Report

I had such a great time with Offbeat Bride author and Offbeat Empire founder Ariel Meadow Stallings at Ada’s Technical Books on Capitol Hill to celebrate the launch of Dancer’s Flame. We had a great conversation with the sold-out crowd about indie publishing, feminism, romance and inclusion.

click for video

You can check out the Facebook Live video or the 3 part series I wrote for Offbeat Home & Life about the joys of being a feminist romance novelist:

Part 1: Yes, I’m a feminist who loves romance novels (+ a Seattle event on May 8th!)

Part 2: The romance genre needs better critique, not more gatekeepers

Part 3: Demanding greater diversity in who gets a happily ever after in romance

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The conversation continues! Facebook pages are dying, so be sure to join my group “The Academy” for the latest book news, sneak peeks, grammar geekery, giveaways and more —>